March 2021

We're gonna need some help

This week, we spoke with Laura Merril, Assistant to the Bishop and Director of Clergy Excellence for the Rio Texas Conference. She shared with us her observations about what clergy and churches need to address as a result of the pandemic. Many clergy people and church leaders are exhausted! It's taking a toll on the health and wellbeing of our pastors, leaders and our churches. What can we do to take care of one another?

New arks and scrolls

What if civilization ever has to start over? There's a vault that has what we need. And some people want to build one on the moon. Plus, we found more pieces of the Dead Sea scrolls. Well, we didn't, but we're excited other people did.

Is it okay to pray for a Lexus?

Some pastors say you can pray away all diseases, including COVID19. This week, Brad, John, Tom and Wade talk about if that's an okay way to pray. Besides, what is prayer and why do we pray? E30

Should "Christian" mean "Family Friendly"?

"Safe for the whole family" is something a lot of us can appreciate. In this week's episode, the guys talk about why "safe" and "Christian" movies, music and even sermons may not be all that helpful. They may keep us from telling the whole truth about life and faith and just how powerful the grace of God is. E29

What makes a good church?

A guy lost his chicken at a Cracker Barrel. Could there be a lesson there? How important is it to be a part of a local church? We think it's vital! But why? What makes a local church worth joining? This week's episode is a conversation about what makes a good local church. We'll even consider if "good" is the right word to use. E28